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D0ZZA | Member Application

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): D0ZZA

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 511‬ Through out all servers

Where did you hear about this server?: From a friend that started playing in August 2019

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: Been putting my all into this server and have been enjoying every second,

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: I love the community that has been created on a GMOD server and want to continue to help out when and where ever I can.

-1 I'm gonna go ahead and say you need to tone down the blatant toxicity, you don't joke around or sound like it at all with any of the things you say, they really just are unnecessary and pretty abundant.

Honestly a great guy to play with an absolute joy and pretty funny too big +1 from me

+1, really fun to play with. Has a good attitude and just wants to have a good time. It's people like D0ZZA that make me enjoy playing ttt. Couldn't recommend him more.

+1, at first i thought he was toxic, realized hes actually funny as fuck.

I like him, fun to have around on the server. I'm not very sensitive to trolling so I couldn't tell you if that's a problem or not. +1

+1 nield is funny auzzie man

-1 cry baby when I did not take him on a iod run.

+1 He is always fun to play with and he is a coool dood.

-1 loses his cool at the slightest disagreement.

EDIT: Recently flamed a staff member for just doing their job (cheny witnessed this as well and tried to defuse)

EDIT2: http://prntscr.com/ro6k67

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