Forerunner Gaming
Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - Printable Version

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Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - Danger - 02-10-2020

1. I don't like him
2. he's annoying
3. he rdmed me
4. nobody likes him
5. his name sucks
6. he's 2 years old
7. he's a baby
8. demote him
9. NOW*
10. actually ban him
11. -permanently*
12. give his items to me
13. he's retarded
14. he's a retard
15. he kisses boys
16. depart
17. he won the giveaway as I'm typing this
18. I hate him

RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - Holy Cow! - 02-10-2020

hoes mad


RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - ghasT_T - 02-10-2020

Angry ape noises

RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - Grassx - 02-10-2020

moved to shitposting

RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - ManeGunner6 - 02-10-2020

(02-10-2020, 07:10 PM)Grassx Wrote:  moved to shitposting

where it belongs Smile

RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 - 02-10-2020

Holy shit guys, stop being so fucking moody. This report is... Silly.

Danger. You know you're super toxic and you seem to try your best to be. Just.. Stop. It's not funny, it's not cool. It's fucking annoying. You don't respect most of our staff, you make absurd claims thinking everyone is 'biased' and out to get you or something(yes I've seen the chat logs), most of the time you have no-one to blame but yourself.. You know this right? You were even pretty disrespectful to Donger over a small mistake she made.

You should listen to our staff, they are there to help maintain a peaceful server, and if you show no respect to them, I doubt they would show you any more than you show them(although I would like them to respect everyone, staff are human, with emotions and feelings..). If you truly feel they are out to get you, you are free to submit all of your evidence to me, but if it's evidence like this, it's not going to get anywhere.. This shows nothing but a staff member doing their job and trying to keep the toxicity levels at a low. I would've probably done the same thing if you were being annoying like that to be honest.

Where's the rule that you can spam during a mapvote, post round, or while dead? There shouldn't be spamming, ANYTIME. It doesn't matter if you're dead, alive, in a mapvote. You can CLOSE THE MAP VOTING screen. Being toxic like that can help drive new players away, or even make them think it's ok to behave like that. The rule is literally: "NO SPAMMING! This includes both text and voice chat."

Bottom-line: Start respecting our staff. I don't care if you're butthurt against them, or think they are super biased. They are volunteering time out of their lives to help moderate the server. They deserve the respect of the player base. You're free to not feel that way, but if you refuse to respect them, either don't say anything to them, or find a new server.

Bottom-bottom-line: Everyone needs to just chill, we're a gaming server not some Korean drama show.

RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - Enchantable - 02-10-2020


RE: Complaint on DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097/Dem Fuzzy Pickles/RetardedToddler42069 - ZombieNinja975 - 02-11-2020

I dont think huge present is that good for abyssal