Forerunner Gaming
vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - Printable Version

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vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - Helga - 12-07-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): vinnitskov

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:75337071

Map the event happened on: Canyon

Date of event: 12-7

What Happened?: He joined the server, killed two innos at the very start of the round and instantly left.

Witnesses: everyone on the server at the time.

Evidence: (logs) (leaf)

RE: vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - block - 12-07-2015

yes this is true i was one of the people he killed he did not leave till he was killed he also tried to kill one more but failed

RE: vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - Terran - 12-07-2015

I think that this should be a perma ban. He obviously came here to troll.

RE: vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - RetralMega - 12-07-2015

+1. Clearly cancer.

RE: vinnitskov RDM x2 + leave - McNuggie - 12-07-2015
