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Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Printable Version

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Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - QueenBee - 12-06-2015

Steam Name (Current): QueenBee

Steam Name (During incident): #Yiff_Life

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54743700

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: McNuggie

Length of the ban: Perma (chage to 2 weeks now)

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Shortened to 1440 minutes

Reason for ban: Trolling? But I don't know how I was Trolling

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Not that I know of

Additional details: I was going to get banned for 1440 minutes but the server didn't ban me, so someone told him I had an IP changer (I dont even Know what that is) Then I gor perma banned for trolling. Im not sure why I got banned for trolling when I could't do anything becasue I was gagged. I wan't RDMing, I wasn't Spamming chat, and I wasn't scamming. The only thing I did was told terrance to act his age becasue he gagged me for talking. I dont even know why I was gagged for taking. I might have been talking loud because everyone one was talking at once. The fact is my friend told me that someone right after I got banned got banned and the same thing happened, but the other guy got unbanned. We both were getting banns for the same lenght. Im not sure why my ban went from a 1440 minute to a perm when i did nothing. The reason I feel that it was changed to a perm is becasue I have told terran he wasn't doing his job good. He ovouisly doesn't like me. But im questioning Why I got banned by McNuggie when he wasn't part of it. He kinda just joined in and banned me. He wasn't there the hole time like terran. I would of understood if terran did it but the fact that an admin that didn't know what was going besides joining and hearing someone saying I was hacking and had a Ip chager. I feel like he banned me before knowing what was going on.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Terran - 12-06-2015

Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Anthony - 12-06-2015

If what terran says is true I think the ban should be a perma.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Helga - 12-06-2015

Ever since you joined you've caused problems. You always scream in your mic and then put it down your throat and try to talk. Also, yesterday, you got all pissy and shot four people just because "you didn't care about the server" and killed NotChosen. Then, you kept saying all of the staff on the server sucked, but that was yesterday. TODAY, you pretty much did the samething, but this time you were kosing off location, ect. Then you did what Terran said above. -1 I honestly think your ban should be a perma.

Also, pretty much everything you said in you appeal is a lie.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Mary - 12-06-2015

It seems to me you're lucky to been only given a ban for 2 weeks instead of permanently. Be kinder to the staff members, they're only here to help you. I suggest being kinder or taking a step back before you reply to anyone on here. Like I said above, you're lucky it wasn't a permanent ban because from what I've heard and seen, you're kiiiiiiind of a dick. BUT IT'S OKAY. The majority of this server can be dicks. Just don't let it take over your good traits...if you have any (NO OFFENSE)

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - McNuggie - 12-06-2015

I had 4 people message me about you trolling, micspamming, and generally causing issues (i was provided with pictures), so I banned you for reason "trolling", and proceeded to get more specific information about what you had been doing. I decided that you should only receive a 2 week ban from that, since it didn't really seem like you did enough to warrant a perma ban. Wait out the 2 weeks.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - hungrychipmunk - 12-06-2015

Ok so let me tell you what really happend, It was on the map xmas nipperhouse, We were all having a good time. And then there was a joke about how fluffy was a furry. Thats the reson names were being changed. Fluffy was ok with it, the only person who wasnt ok with it was the admin. I dont know why the admins were taking it as a negitve action. fluffy was not telling us to stop. It was in a way making the frg commnity closer. Becasue of queenbee we were bonding and all laughting and having a good time. Then the admin came in a gave everyone voice battery and gaged about 3 people. So he made the sever look boaring. If i joined the sever when queenbee was there i would stay. But if i was there when he was ban/gone i would never come back to the sever for its lack of exsitment. So i think that Queenbee sould have no ban at all and i think alot of people can think the same.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - QueenBee - 12-07-2015

(12-06-2015, 11:19 PM)Terran Wrote:  Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.

You didnt tell me to change it and you didn't kick me. I also did change my name. Me and fresh are also friends. My name was chaged to FRESHY as a joke the I change it to #Yiff_Life and his name was Like xXYiffgodXx and more to it there is only ONE word the same. You kicked and told the other people who were doing the same thing as I. Even Fresh was doing it to.

(12-06-2015, 11:47 PM)hungrychipmunk Wrote:  Ok so let me tell you what really happend, It was on the map xmas nipperhouse, We were all having a good time. And then there was a joke about how fluffy was a furry. Thats the reson names were being changed. Fluffy was ok with it, the only person who wasnt ok with it was the admin. I dont know why the admins were taking it as a negitve action. fluffy was not telling us to stop. It was in a way making the frg commnity closer. Becasue of queenbee we were bonding and all laughting and having a good time. Then the admin came in a gave everyone voice battery and gaged about 3 people. So he made the sever look boaring. If i joined the sever when queenbee was there i would stay. But if i was there when he was ban/gone i would never come back to the sever for its lack of exsitment. So i think that Queenbee sould have no ban at all and i think alot of people can think the same.

10000000000% true

(12-06-2015, 11:36 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  I had 4 people message me about you trolling, micspamming, and generally causing issues (i was provided with pictures), so I banned you for reason "trolling", and proceeded to get more specific information about what you had been doing. I decided that you should only receive a 2 week ban from that, since it didn't really seem like you did enough to warrant a perma ban. Wait out the 2 weeks.

Who were the 4 and show me the pics please becasue we all were having a great time before you came. People started leaving the server when I was falsly banned.

(12-06-2015, 11:30 PM)y0Nemo Wrote:  Ever since you joined you've caused problems. You always scream in your mic and then put it down your throat and try to talk. Also, yesterday, you got all pissy and shot four people just because "you didn't care about the server" and killed NotChosen. Then, you kept saying all of the staff on the server sucked, but that was yesterday. TODAY, you pretty much did the samething, but this time you were kosing off location, ect. Then you did what Terran said above. -1 I honestly think your ban should be a perma.

Also, pretty much everything you said in you appeal is a lie.

First off I love how fake you are. Second of all you know I don't like you so thats why you say this. All im saying is I let people RDM me alot and I dont care. Its just that it happened so much that when I finally said something they did nothing casue they were friends so anyrhing else booboo.

(12-06-2015, 11:19 PM)Terran Wrote:  Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.


(12-06-2015, 11:15 PM)QueenBee Wrote:  Steam Name (Current): QueenBee

Steam Name (During incident): #Yiff_Life

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54743700

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: McNuggie

Length of the ban: Perma (chage to 2 weeks now)

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Shortened to 1440 minutes

Reason for ban: Trolling? But I don't know how I was Trolling

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Not that I know of

Additional details: I was going to get banned for 1440 minutes but the server didn't ban me, so someone told him I had an IP changer (I dont even Know what that is) Then I gor perma banned for trolling. Im not sure why I got banned for trolling when I could't do anything becasue I was gagged. I wan't RDMing, I wasn't Spamming chat, and I wasn't scamming. The only thing I did was told terrance to act his age becasue he gagged me for talking. I dont even know why I was gagged for taking. I might have been talking loud because everyone one was talking at once. The fact is my friend told me that someone right after I got banned got banned and the same thing happened, but the other guy got unbanned. We both were getting banns for the same lenght. Im not sure why my ban went from a 1440 minute to a perm when i did nothing. The reason I feel that it was changed to a perm is becasue I have told terran he wasn't doing his job good. He ovouisly doesn't like me. But im questioning Why I got banned by McNuggie when he wasn't part of it. He kinda just joined in and banned me. He wasn't there the hole time like terran. I would of understood if terran did it but the fact that an admin that didn't know what was going besides joining and hearing someone saying I was hacking and had a Ip chager. I feel like he banned me before knowing what was going on.

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Zott - 12-07-2015

(12-07-2015, 12:02 AM)QueenBee Wrote:  
(12-06-2015, 11:19 PM)Terran Wrote:  Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.

You didnt tell me to change it and you didn't kick me. I also did change my name. Me and fresh are also friends. My name was chaged to FRESHY as a joke the I change it to #Yiff_Life and his name was Like xXYiffgodXx and more to it there is only ONE word the same. You kicked and told the other people who were doing the same thing as I. Even Fresh was doing it to.

(12-06-2015, 11:47 PM)hungrychipmunk Wrote:  Ok so let me tell you what really happend, It was on the map xmas nipperhouse, We were all having a good time. And then there was a joke about how fluffy was a furry. Thats the reson names were being changed. Fluffy was ok with it, the only person who wasnt ok with it was the admin. I dont know why the admins were taking it as a negitve action. fluffy was not telling us to stop. It was in a way making the frg commnity closer. Becasue of queenbee we were bonding and all laughting and having a good time. Then the admin came in a gave everyone voice battery and gaged about 3 people. So he made the sever look boaring. If i joined the sever when queenbee was there i would stay. But if i was there when he was ban/gone i would never come back to the sever for its lack of exsitment. So i think that Queenbee sould have no ban at all and i think alot of people can think the same.

10000000000% true

(12-06-2015, 11:36 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  I had 4 people message me about you trolling, micspamming, and generally causing issues (i was provided with pictures), so I banned you for reason "trolling", and proceeded to get more specific information about what you had been doing. I decided that you should only receive a 2 week ban from that, since it didn't really seem like you did enough to warrant a perma ban. Wait out the 2 weeks.

Who were the 4 and show me the pics please becasue we all were having a great time before you came. People started leaving the server when I was falsly banned.

(12-06-2015, 11:30 PM)y0Nemo Wrote:  Ever since you joined you've caused problems. You always scream in your mic and then put it down your throat and try to talk. Also, yesterday, you got all pissy and shot four people just because "you didn't care about the server" and killed NotChosen. Then, you kept saying all of the staff on the server sucked, but that was yesterday. TODAY, you pretty much did the samething, but this time you were kosing off location, ect. Then you did what Terran said above. -1 I honestly think your ban should be a perma.

Also, pretty much everything you said in you appeal is a lie.

First off I love how fake you are. Second of all you know I don't like you so thats why you say this. All im saying is I let people RDM me alot and I dont care. Its just that it happened so much that when I finally said something they did nothing casue they were friends so anyrhing else booboo.

(12-06-2015, 11:19 PM)Terran Wrote:  Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.

Simple as this. Doesnt matter who it is, if your name has the same name as someone else you should change it. It makes it increasingly more difficult to deal with rdm and such. Secondly, I believe the higher ups more than you. From the time I've seen you all you did was cause problems and evem I had to gag you. Also you shouldn't say that every one who attested to the incident are "only doing this because they don't like you."

RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - QueenBee - 12-07-2015

I find it kinda stupid how people will listen to admins even though they say what they have to say to keep their admin ship its kinda sad actually. They rather ruin someones fun time and step all over people so they can fell powerful even though they have no power in the real world. They are honestly destroying the server instead of making it better.