Forerunner Gaming
Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - Printable Version

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Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 12-06-2015

Steam Profile link:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33740310

Reason: he made very homophobic remarks in 2 or more reports and he rdmed even when warned multiple times. he was also banned and then came back clamming he had never been here before.


Additional info: he was banned temporarily by nemo

Witnesses: too many to count

RE: Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - RetralMega - 12-06-2015

+1 for ban. We don't need this cancer.

RE: Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - Helga - 12-06-2015

I was there, all the kid did was cause problems. +1

RE: Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - Unpoke - 12-06-2015

Needs permas.

RE: Chewbaccca the Commando Cowboy ban avoid/disrespect - McNuggie - 12-06-2015
