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Kingdom of Loathing - Printable Version

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Kingdom of Loathing - Terran - 12-05-2015

Any of you guys wanna play the most fun text-based online adventure ever? (It has pictures!)

Link below, but if you do sign up, maybe use my account for those sick sweet benefits? It should help you, too. I've played it for yeeeaaars.

My username is "Shadesttone"!


RE: Kingdom of Loathing - HyperCarbon32 - 12-05-2015

So fun! Or is it the hysteria kicking in from not sleeping for the past 2 days?

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - RadioActiveCow? - 12-05-2015

I remember seeing this game years and years ago but I've never given it a try might do some time later

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Chosen - 12-05-2015

11/10 would Tame Turtles again. - IGN

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Zott - 12-05-2015

This was the weirdest fucking game I've ever played. 10/10

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - siglings - 12-05-2015

threw turtles at the enemy
whacked a dude with a turtle
wear turtles


RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Terran - 12-07-2015

I made a clan on Kingdom of Loathing. You'll get extra adventures every day in it, free access to the item storage and you can get free meat every day via the hanging meat plant. Just message me on steam/post your username here and I'll white-list you and see what I can do.

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Chosen - 12-08-2015

NotChosen is my name. ADD PLZ.

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Rotshout - 12-08-2015

I am Rotshout. Add me you dork.

RE: Kingdom of Loathing - Dreadark - 12-08-2015

Dreadark. addpls