Forerunner Gaming
Logo/Browser Icon - Printable Version

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Logo/Browser Icon - HyperCarbon32 - 12-05-2015

I was watching youtube and switched tabs to the forums but I saw there was no Icon next to the Tab thingy. It just appeared as a piece of paper with the upper right corner creased inward. (usually there is the websites logo. Like on youtube, they have the youtube play button.) So I was wondering if there could be a logo that represents forerunner gaming. If there is one, can it be incorporated in the domain? I don't know if I am making sense, but I hope I do!

RE: Logo/Browser Icon - BossLevel - 12-05-2015

I created one if it looks OK and wants to be placed.

RE: Logo/Browser Icon - RetralMega - 12-05-2015

My logo is actually the older YouTube one.

RE: Logo/Browser Icon - 2bias - 12-05-2015

mine is reddit on my phone.