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Mass RDM ghosting, + rdm and leaf - Printable Version

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Mass RDM ghosting, + rdm and leaf - ZombieNinja975 - 11-22-2015

Steam name of offending players: OG kermit, qiner

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:5586322 STEAM_0:0:44185253

Map the event happened on: roof tops, ski lodge, dolls

Date of event:11-22-15

What Happened?: both mass rdmd, also an rdm and leaf in there too but specifics in screenshots. also where i killed both one tried to kill me as inno then the T tried to jihad me.

Witnesses: everyone in lobby


RE: Mass RDM ghosting, + rdm and leaf - RetralMega - 11-22-2015

As for the first one with Bing killing Cameron, it looks justified. We don't know what his health was at. What if he was one hit being killed and Cameron was chasing him with his crowbar swinging it? No way for us to know if there was a warning or not either. -1.
These screen shots are just a jumbled mess. As for the second one with fedora, there aren't shot logs or a message of anyone actually leaving while slain. -1.
Kermit's was definitely RDM. He attacked two other innos at once for no reason from what I can see. +1.
Qiner was definitely RDMing as well. +1.

RE: Mass RDM ghosting, + rdm and leaf - McNuggie - 11-23-2015

Will ban both when home. Please make the evidence easier to follow next time as was a bit hard to go through and see what they did.