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Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - Terran - 11-13-2015

Pick from -ONE- of the following. Maybe explain why you picked it, give a little story or call others idiots.

A) A sack and a 1L bottle. Every 24 hours, the sack fills up with one large loaf of bread, one chunk of cheese, and a random normal fruit. The bottle fills with fresh water at the same time. You cannot "Store" the food or water. The sack and bottle are indestructible.

B) A gun with a 12 bullet magazine. Every 24 hours, the magazine refills. You cannot dump the spare bullets and keep them, because any left disappear when the next "refill" comes. The gun cannot break or stop being usable.

C) You'll gain the appearance, mannerisms and actions of a zombie. To zombies and people, you will 100% look like the undead, no matter what you try to do. This is irreversible. However, zombies will never target you. You can still be accidentally infected though. P.S: Humans will try and kill you. Always.

D) A cure to the zombie virus, but it only works on two people: Your mother, and a male youth the same age as you who you hate. This means that they'll become immune to zombies and repopulate earth. But you're going to die though.

E) A special mirror that, when you look into it, transports you to a safe zone that you set a copy of the mirror in .The copy can never be moved or broken. However, every time you use the mirror, you must "Wait" in complete nothingness for two hours. There is no light, sound, air, feeling, emotion or anything besides mind-numbing boredom. But, beyond that, you can teleport across the world if needed.

F) A loyal guard dog, who is 100% immune to, and ignored, by zombies. He's not the most effective at killing the undead (Destroying the brain is rough), but he can fetch supplies, is highly intelligent and extremely loyal. However, he dies after four years if he doesn't before that.

G) A solar-powered laptop of extreme levels, able to run any game flawlessly and browse the internet no matter where you are. It cannot break or wear down. Note that the internet will not have anyone left on it, it'll just be you. You never have to worry about power or anything. Porn, movies, games, youtube; - its all there.

H) A special medical kit that will resupply itself with a mixture of medicines, drugs and health care items every week. Any leftovers will disappear. You can design what shows up if you'd like, but there's a limit to the amount of each item. (E.G: Only 7 pills in a bottle, or a roll of gauze; not a sheet of it.)

I) Stilts. You become the Stilt Master. Your stils are made of the most  indestructible and lightweight material known to man, letting you stand 10 to 15 feet in the air. You can never lose your balance or fall off of them, and they can never be broken or turned around against your will. They're bright pink though. Also: Not for use indoors.

J) Once every week, you can summon an elite squad of eight extremely heavily armed, armored and trained soldiers to assist you in any task. They'll stay for only one hour, but are unwaveringly loyal and will always have weapons and munitions. (However, they cannot give you any, nor can they talk.) If they die, they're dead for good, so only seven will come the next time, until they're all dead.

K) You get a sick-ass motorbike hoverboard cross. It doesn't require fuel, but can only "fly" three or four feet off of the ground. It can go up to 200 MP/h, but this can cause damage to your body. You can still crash it and die like an idiot, its also tough to control and its uncomfortable to stand on. But hey, Marty McFly would be proud.

L) You don't have to urinate, defecate or sleep. You still need to eat and drink, but since your body uses 100% of everything to its fullest potential, all food and liquids are never wasted. This means that every bite or sip goes a lot longer than it would for an ordinary person. Your mind is always sharp and alert, but you are extremely susceptible to poisons, sicknesses, diseases and all other manner of nasties. Expect to always at least have a cold, oftentimes a flu and sometimes even worse.

M) You get a lightsaber. Basically it. However, you don't get the skills to use it, and its really goddamn easy to hurt, or kill, yourself with it. Don't expect to deflect bullets or anything either, that ain't happening. But hey: Lightsaber!

N) Aliens visit you and tell you that if you survive their task, then they'll come back in five years and take you off planet to live a life of luxury. Basically, every zombie within a thousand miles will know your exact location and be desperate to reach you. They'll tear down barricades, climb mountains, cross the ocean and do absolutely anything to reach you. Also, you have to spend the entire five years in Detroit.

O) You get the ability to "Mine" blocks of dirt, wood and other "punch-able" materials similar to Minecraft. Its magic, I ain't gotta explain shit. However, the actual mass of whatever you turned into a carry-able "item" will still weigh how much it should weigh. Don't expect to carry a billion pounds of dirt. Why is this useful? I'm not sure, but any "blocks" that you place won't obey gravity. Unless its sand or gravel. Fuck sand and fuck gravel, though.

P) Your entire family is saved from the zombie apocalypse, to live a life of relative peace. (If drab and boring.) The price? You lose your arms and legs, and cannot die. No matter how much you're eaten, or what you suffer, you'll come back and experience it all over again. Forever. Well, until all of your family members pass away, then you'll die too.

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - Dreadark - 11-13-2015

Probably A or O. Hunger and thirst would be your main problems and that stuff alone could keep me alive, if malnourished, for a while.

or you could slowly build a super cool dirt and wood floating fortress. which means zombies cant get you or your friends.

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - RadioActiveCow? - 11-13-2015

just play fallout 4 instead of reading this and get a better use of your time from it B)

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - McNuggie - 11-13-2015

a. lol i mean extra food??? sure??? but not really something worth it
b. I don't need a gun??? lol
c. zombies dont exist so its literally just bad
d. zombies dont exist
e. fuck being deprived of your senses.
f. zombies dontexist, but i like dogs. it dies in 4 years tho? idk.
g. If the internet has no one left on it, no new youtube videos or games. fuck that.
h. no neeed for that
i. that'd be badass, them being pink would just make it look even cooler.
j. im a raelly lazy person so i mean i think this is kinda nice.
k. hoverboard that only goes 4 feet in the air? dummbbbb
l. I don't really understand how any of this is really good, lol, you get more energy from the foods/liquids, but you would be sick??
m. i dont need to possess weapons :/
n. zombies dont exist so sure, come at me aliens.
o. why the fuck would i want to have dirt
p. no zombies exist Sad

probably I or F

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - RetralMega - 11-14-2015

Wait... Is this for zombie survival, or are those options there to make people choose stupid combinations that have no actual value?

For real life, I'd have... H. I could have weed magically appear everyday!
Zombie apocalypse choices would have to be A. Food is probably the most valuable resource. O would be a great choice too because you could just build floating land that zombies can't get to and other people would have an incredibly hard time getting to. No need for unlimited food when you can make an automatic farm Minecraft-style.

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - Terran - 11-14-2015

Yeah, its more or less intended for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - Fresh - 11-14-2015

I'd take F


RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - McNuggie - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 01:00 AM)Terran Wrote:  Yeah, its more or less intended for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

zombies dont exist

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - SP1D3RP1G - 11-14-2015

E or L

RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - Rotshout - 11-14-2015

I'd be alright with M if it was the size of a ruler. Small enough to be useful cutting open locks and doors, and long enough to sever limbs and stab through skulls.