Forerunner Gaming
Why hello there. - Printable Version

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Why hello there. - Car Battery Fisherman - 11-11-2015

Hello FRG, Some of you know me as WhiteShark1972. I stopped by a couple months ago but will now play here alot more. Im from NTG as some know me from there, thats pretty much all I have to say. Im looking forward to meeting some cool people but other then that see you on the servers!

RE: Why hello there. - Unpoke - 11-12-2015

Welcome Big Grin

RE: Why hello there. - Terran - 11-12-2015

Welcome to FRG.

RE: Why hello there. - Zott - 11-12-2015

Welcome to the crew!

RE: Why hello there. - Mr.Potato - 11-12-2015
