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knaveHearted Membership Application - Printable Version

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knaveHearted Membership Application - knaveHearted - 10-04-2015


Steam Name(Current): knaveHearted

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50.39

Where did you hear about this server?:

I heard about it before it was made back when I played NTG. Then DoctorRat joined, and asked me to play it a bunch, so I started it, and stayed ever since.

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Not that I remember, if any staff has any record of it happening, please correct me and I'll edit this part. But as far as I remember no.

Why do you want to join?:

I like it here. I've made this my main go-to server and don't really play anywhere else. Short of one or two people, I love this community dearly, and I've become friends with a lot of you. A lot of the player base knows me, and I rarely ever break rules on the server. Really, I already feel like I'm a part of this community even if I don't get member rank.

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - doctorRat - 10-04-2015

He has been playing a lot as of late and I think has started making a good name for himself. He tries to be an upstanding part of this community and even though he is not a member has tried to step up and be a voice of reason when reason was needed. +1

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - Unpoke - 10-04-2015

+1, very fun to play with, pretty active, uses forums actively, good rep of ze server
make this man a mem

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - Chief Beef - 10-04-2015

cool, reminds me of why this server is better than frg, 90% of ntg people are always angry or squeakers, but in frg, 90% of em are cool, chill guys, like this guy right here, and he also watched furry porn when i gave him a link, pretty funny

(10-04-2015, 04:25 AM)The Vengeful Bastard Wrote:  cool, reminds me of why this server is better than frg, 90% of ntg people are always angry or squeakers, but in frg, 90% of em are cool, chill guys, like this guy right here, and he also watched furry porn when i  gave him a link, pretty funny

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - Terran - 10-04-2015

Yeah, he's a nice quiet lad. (My age, too!) He's kind-sprited and a pleasant person once you get to know him. No downsides with giving him the responsibility of representing the server. +1!

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - McNuggie - 10-08-2015

I feel like you don't play much but you do, and really I see no downside in making you member. You're mature, people like you, and you're active I guess. +1.

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - Twizzler - 10-08-2015

I have not seen you on much, but I'm sure you would be delightful to play with. For now, its a +0. It will most likely change once I talk to you for a bit!

RE: knaveHearted Membership Application - Unpoke - 10-11-2015

(10-08-2015, 08:31 PM)Twistz Wrote:  I have not seen you on much, but I'm sure you would be delightful to play with. For now, its a +0. It will most likely change once I talk to you for a bit!

He's on all the time though, not so much you Tongue

knaveHearted Membership Application - Jake1o - 10-20-2015
