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Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Printable Version

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Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Terran - 10-03-2015

What time did this happen: October 3rd

Why did he do it: to rdm me

Does he accept the guilty accusations: yes

Do you want punishment: yes, of the highest possible suffering

Where did this take place: map of templar, for aiur, adun guide me, zoh-tah.

Was he racist: yes he was insulting my race, the "terrans"


RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Dreadark - 10-03-2015

yea i was pondering preround whether to kill him and as soon as the round started i spammed deagle shots in his face.

oh also fuck you.

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Enchantable - 10-04-2015

+1 at least a perma.

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Rotshout - 10-04-2015

This is obviously Terran's fault. We should ban him instead.

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Chosen - 10-04-2015

I say we ban both of them. Get rid of the biggest Jew and the Biggest Troll (Respectively underneath Brass).

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Dreadark - 10-04-2015

(10-04-2015, 05:16 AM)NotChosen Wrote:  I say we ban both of them. Get rid of the biggest Jew and the Biggest Troll (Respectively underneath Brass).

fuck yuou

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - ghasT_T - 10-04-2015

Why can't we be friends?

RE: Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive - Unpoke - 10-05-2015

how about we switch their ranks and let whatever happens happen
also force terran to wipe my debt or perma ban