Forerunner Gaming
Mass RDM - Printable Version

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Mass RDM - ZombieNinja975 - 10-03-2015

Steam name at time of event: guyguy

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:138775752

Map the event happened on: Ice research

Date of event: 10-3-15

What Happened?:  Mass RDM and left to avoid slay/voteban

Witnesses:everyone in lobby


RE: Mass RDM - Dreadark - 10-03-2015

Yeah he was definately constantly RDMing.

RE: Mass RDM - Terran - 10-03-2015

He should be perma'd. That's a lot of RDM, one case twice in one round. We don't need people like that!

RE: Mass RDM - McNuggie - 10-03-2015
