Forerunner Gaming
Whyme231 - Membership Application - Printable Version

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Whyme231 - Membership Application - whyme231 - 10-03-2015

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): whyme231

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 118 hours 12 min 42 sec

Where did you hear about this server?: Found it looking through servers

Have you ever been banned and why?: never banned

Why do you want to join?: because the FRG server and lobby servers are the alone TTT server i play on.

Referred by: Zombieninja975

Additional Details:

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - Terran - 10-03-2015

I'm going to be totally honest, I sort of forgot that you play. You're really invisible, which isn't bad? I don't think that you've done anything wrong from what I've seen, so my opinion is a +1. I just really don't remember much...or, well, anything about you.

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - McNuggie - 10-04-2015

I mean I don't really see a reason why you shouldn't get member. You go by unnoticed though, which as Terran said isnt bad, but people don't really know you so they don't know what type of a person you are.

+1 I guess, no reason really not to. You just go unnoticed by much of the community.

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - Unpoke - 10-04-2015

I've noticed you, you're a great player and pretty fun too. +1 from me.

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - ZombieNinja975 - 10-04-2015

Hes been a good friend of mine for a long while, although quiet he follows rules and is on pretty often. +1

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - SP1D3RP1G - 10-04-2015

He is a nice guy and i think he deserves Member for being a positive part of the community. +1

RE: Whyme231 - Membership Application - Kcat - 10-05-2015

he follows rules from what ive seen Big Grin +1

Whyme231 - Membership Application - Jake1o - 10-20-2015
