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weapon idea - Printable Version

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weapon idea - Chief Beef - 09-25-2015

this might be too op, so maby it should be a T weapon or really really like really rare, like another level of rarity, maby, but its a fun idea

Black Knight

accuracy +20%

damage +32%

firerate +30%

mobility -20%

recoil +31%

clip 7

reload speed -24%

yes a smg sniper, its fast in firerate, but its really slow in reload speed and in mobility, so maby not too OP, but still, OP

RE: weapon idea - ◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤ - 09-29-2015

like Black Knight sounds kinda like it would be a cool lookin Covert Rifle like some sorta .50 Cal gun model and have it be Extremely Rare but definitly not with those stats and maybe a suffix.

RE: weapon idea - ghasT_T - 09-29-2015

Am I still the worst shitposter? I think I lost it to this guy Cool

RE: weapon idea - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 10-12-2015

I feel like the stats could be balanced out to me the automaticness of it not so OP but it would have to be a very low drop chance.