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Mass RDM and Very possible Ghosting - Printable Version

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Mass RDM and Very possible Ghosting - ZombieNinja975 - 09-25-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Hoffman Hunter and ThrowingForSkins

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:50891183   STEAM_0:1:60435836

Map the event happened on: toysoilders, then minecraftcity

Date of event: 9-25-15

What Happened?: They were rdming like crazy, killing as soon as the round started. quite a bit of their behavior was very suspicious of ghosting together. Not to mention the disrespect they had for me, others who were in the lobby before being driven out, and for the server.

Witnesses: joey 6327, everyone else left

Evidence:   these are only a few but there is more in the logs.

Additional Details: They practically drove the people out of the server, we started with 6 at toysoldiers then ended up just me and them by the last map.

RE: Mass RDM and Very possible Ghosting - Terran - 09-25-2015

A couple of those look like definite RDM, but if you click the "Roles" button above the damage-logs, it'll show everyone's roles. This would help a LOT if you think one is a T and is ghosting his T buddies to the otherwise. I don't really have an opinion on this right now, so I'm going to leave it to a more experience staff member (Unpoke!) to deal with it. I don't doubt it'd be a ban, but it seems to have happened over a length of time.

RE: Mass RDM and Very possible Ghosting - Jake1o - 09-25-2015

Clearly here to troll. Banned permanently.