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Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - Printable Version

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Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - Skully_Fluff - 09-25-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): BTSpaniel

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:1984986

Map the event happened on: BioCube

Date of event: 9/25/2015

What Happened?: He came on, mass rdmed most of the server I went to vote ban him and he left before ban could be applied. He is accused of also having hacks/ scripts too. So, Mass rdm, leave before receiving punishment and possibly hacking.

Witnesses: Doctor Rat, wolfpack4, CatSenpai, ZombieNinja947 and so on. (Check evidence pictures for more names if needed.)

Evidence: Image



RE: Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - doctorRat - 09-25-2015

Sure enough I was there and witnessed this. This isnt the first time he has done this on this server either

RE: Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - ZombieNinja975 - 09-25-2015

947 XD but yes he was doing that srudd

RE: Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - Skully_Fluff - 09-25-2015

Please excuse the Terran in picture #2. That is his nickname I gave to him.

RE: Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - Terran - 09-25-2015

Yeah, this should be a perma. An Admin will get to this.

RE: Mass RDM, Leave, Possible hacking. (Aim assist and so on.) - Jake1o - 09-25-2015

There was already a report on him and he is now permanently banned.