Forerunner Gaming
please - Printable Version

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please - COBALTGE0 - 09-25-2015

Steam Name (Current):Cobaltgeo

Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by:Grassx?

Length of the ban:Forever???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Removed

Reason for ban:My forum moderation or whatever its called was placed because grassx noticed me flaming on Tobiasx but im past it now and the shoutbox is when i proved to Rotshout pokemon porn is called in the porn industry Porkyman it was a horribly drawn pokemon porn picture on rule34 that i linked the advertisements were well "Revealing"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes

Additional details:I realize this was wrong and in a later case like this use the steam chat my warning has disapitated can i be free now?