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Audio Rebalance - Printable Version

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Audio Rebalance - Tonifur - 09-24-2015

I don't know how Lua handles audio levels, so I don't know if it can even be changed, but I feel that the crowbar drop noise is a tad loud compared to the other effects.  I think it can be a little too easy to tell when people died.

RE: Audio Rebalance - RadioActiveCow? - 09-24-2015

Well when you throw a crowbar onto the ground, how loud is it? It's just one of those little things you've got to consider when you're a T, people can hear 'screams' if someone dies all the time, so you gotta be strategic.

RE: Audio Rebalance - Tonifur - 09-24-2015

It's loud enough to be heard from quite a distance away imo, and much more noticeable than other weapons getting dropped. Also, remember that head shots and knife kills are silent.

RE: Audio Rebalance - ghasT_T - 09-24-2015

just turn down your volume Cool

RE: Audio Rebalance - Tonifur - 09-24-2015

It's not a client-side audio level issue. I could turn my sound all the way to, say, 1%, and the crowbar sound will still be louder than the other sounds.

RE: Audio Rebalance - Matt - 09-25-2015

Yeah this is true, it usually gives me an indicator that somebody just got shot while AFK. Dunno if its possible to change though.

RE: Audio Rebalance - Fresh - 09-25-2015

Yeah man I noticed this today when I got shot holding my crowbar and it was like *CLINK* and fucking blew my eardrums out lol

RE: Audio Rebalance - 2bias - 09-25-2015

i suggested this when dropping melees first became a thing lol.

RE: Audio Rebalance - Enchantable - 09-25-2015

I agree. I would hear a deag shot and then a melee drop and I knew someone got the juan.
+1 to this idea