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Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Printable Version

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Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - ghasT_T - 09-24-2015

The end is near

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Unpoke - 09-24-2015

I thought I saw that when I was rolling one of Terran's crates too, but I didn't believe it...
no please god no...

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Mr.Potato - 09-24-2015

Oh god no.. It can't be..

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - 2bias - 09-24-2015

It's not that big of a deal. Calm down

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Brassx - 09-24-2015

Whoops. Not supposed to be in there(yet anyways). These were something I was messin' with awhile back. Just as random drops in the system(and can only use one every 20 minutes, they are consumed after use obviously). Didn't think you guys would flip shit about 'em that much(jake really wanted them in too).

I figured it could help a bit too with T related quests.

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - SP1D3RP1G - 09-24-2015

What happens if 4 people use them when only 8 people are on?

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - A2 - 09-24-2015

Brutal murder of 1 Inno and 1 Det what else could possibly happen?

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Brassx - 09-24-2015

Pretty sure the way I had it setup wouldn't not allow the T count to exceed the max T count for the player count.

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - SP1D3RP1G - 09-24-2015

Ok, thats the only problem that I would have with it. Its a cool new item!

RE: Traitor Round Tickets Are Here?! - Terran - 09-24-2015

Wait, what did I miss