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TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Printable Version

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TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Terran - 09-24-2015

Now, we all know that the promised "High chance of suffixes" was a falsehood. Now, I've thought of a few ways to balance out TotaliTerrans to make them "Cooler!"

Here's a few stat ideas and special stuff.

Fire-Rate: +60%
Damage: -70%
Accuracy: -40%
Recoil: +40%
Clip: +8 to +25 (Rifles/Shotguns to Automatics)
Mobility: N/A
Special Status: Very high chance of suffixes. Very low chance of DOUBLE suffixes.

They'd be fun guns to use, terrible at a range but with cool suffix stuffs.

Now, I'm broke right now, but I AM prepared to throw money at the screen! However, current TotaliTerrans should NOT be changed, obviously.

If required, a name change is 100% O.K. The name could be something like "Specialist" or "Astounding".

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Dreadark - 09-24-2015

name it "Totalidreadark" and we can give it a buff.

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - 2bias - 09-24-2015

-1, totally terrans are too op already.

They should be nerfed!

Here should be the new stats:

-100% Everything

thanks for listening, brass.

in all honesty though, stop bitching. you get what you get and you dont get upset.

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Wolfy9800 - 09-24-2015

Yaass bitch buff em or Terran will cri

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 09-24-2015

no option to keep it the same

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Aresuft - 09-24-2015

the amount of people view this thread

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - ::Harmfull:: - 09-24-2015

maybe lower those +'s by 10% and im on board ^^ (y)

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Matt - 09-24-2015

+1 totaliterrans suck, at least I understood the pun.

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - SP1D3RP1G - 09-24-2015

this would be cool. Totaly Terran's guns are bad for even the unlikely tier.

RE: TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) - Dreadark - 09-24-2015

can i just bring up the fact that terran posted this thread in shit posting and asked for serious replies.