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NotChosen's +Member App - Printable Version

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NotChosen's +Member App - Chosen - 09-23-2015

Steam Name(Current): NotChosen

Age: 18

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Perma'd x10 and a few times for karma ban

Why would you like to be promoted?: I am ready to get back into the server. This is also were I will clarify for some people why I stepped down. I just recently moved and as many of you know there was the old Drama Llama going through the server. I overreacted to a threat and stepped down. I feel like it was harsh of me to do that because now I look at all the people who immediately peeved and people who actually enjoyed me as a moderator really showed me why I shouldn't of reacted that way because I feel like I've got more than enough people who at least like me (and Terran who I bribe). Everyone knows how well I do with reports and I feel like me doing my job isn't even a question because I did it 99% of the time I was on, 1% when Terran was on because sometimes I couldn't click fast enough.

Why do you think we should promote you?: (Above)
Do you have any administrative experience:
Fallout : Wild Wasteland - About a year and a half, I was by the end (Almost, we shutdown before) Head-Admin
Elder Scrolls Server (Lost Title , Owner changed it)- Head Admin, Lead Coder (Basically plugin monkey, awful)
Shadowblade - Admin
Juiceville - Moderator
Herocraft- Guide(Shepard of Noobies)
Quantum Gaming (Only real one worth mentioning or remembering)
Additional Details:
I hate strawberries. This is my first time making a +Member app so be gentle. Also this is barebones, but face it guys you all know me and you know how I am so judge off that.

RE: NotChosen's +Member App - Jake1o - 10-04-2015
