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Family Fundraiser(Now closed, Thanks for the support!) - Printable Version

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Family Fundraiser(Now closed, Thanks for the support!) - Brassx - 09-22-2015

I'm putting together a little Fundraiser for my family, as I simply can't afford to help them with all that they need.

This fundraiser is going to be put towards helping my Parent buy a vehicle. They have been stranded out here in a rural area, and me being stranded with them, I can tell how difficult it really is.

My dad DOES have a job(in which he sometimes rides a bicycle >7 miles to his work, keep in mind he is over the age of 50..), but they can not afford a down payment on a car, there's just no way. if successful, I will be helping them out with the monthly(or bi-weekly, what ever the place does) payments for the car(if they need it), but this is where I need you guys. We need help getting up the money for a down payment.

Money has been very tight lately, especially with my grandfather passing away in July. Things have been pretty bad here, so I want to do what I can to make it better for them.

Now, let's talk about benefits of helping. I spent around ~12 hours creating some fresh content I hope you guys will enjoy.

There will be THREE fundraiser packages you can go for.($5, $10 and $25)

First off, there's a Badge anyone who helps will receive.

This badge will grant anyone that has it, ONE free 3 credit slot machine roll per week.

There's more! Along side that, you will receive a number of Vanity Crates(depending on the package you donate under)
These crates contain a variety of unique never before seen coinshop items.

I should mention that the majority of items in this are Halo related(from halo 1).

>Party hats! I modeled them myself, inspired by good 'ol runescape/the paper hats you get from christmas crackers.
These party hats have a randomized color, so there's A LOT of possible colors you can get!

>2 Pets! These are different from Navi. These actually follow you around with their own velocity and move angles.

There are some more items in the case I will leave for you guys to find, if you even decide to help.
(NOTE: The items you receive from the crates ARE tradeable, so you have a chance of getting some of these cool items via trading, even if you don't donate to the fundraiser)

The fundraiser is not active yet, but when it is, you will be able to access it by going to a link I provide. I plan to have it active tomorrow! I just have a few more things to sort out.

There is really no goal just yet, but down payments can be pretty expensive, so we'll need as much help as we can get. Any excess money or money not used will likely be put back into the community in the form of game giveaways, and other various things(depends on what you guys want).

Thank you guys for reading, and I completely understand if you can't afford, or simply don't want to help. It's all good what ever you decide!

RE: Family Fundraiser - 2bias - 09-22-2015

Holy fuck, that's a long ass op. I'll be trying to get the money to you in the next few weeks(sorry it is taking so long, had a few issues)

Alright, finally read it. Damn, that's pretty sad. I'm happy the money will be going to a good cause.

RE: Family Fundraiser - RadioActiveCow? - 09-22-2015

You can count on my support Brass, I know you wouldn't make a fundraiser like this if you really didn't have to. But to appreciate the amount of work you've put in and the amount of work you're GOING to put into this community, I don't want it to seem under appreciated because I think I speak for all of FRG when I say this but:

We really appreciate your work here and I'm certain everyone will help out in any way they can!

RE: Family Fundraiser - Dreadark - 09-22-2015

Sound's rough. I'll donate some money to help if I can!

RE: Family Fundraiser - 2bias - 09-22-2015

Also, you should try:

RE: Family Fundraiser - ghasT_T - 09-22-2015

Imma go donate one of my penny jars for you. I got about 5 gallon full jars of pennys, bout 50 bucks in total. 1 jar has bout 10$ in it. <3

RE: Family Fundraiser - Terran - 09-22-2015

Sure! I always have some money lying around I can scrounge. I'd be glad to help if I can. Good on you to help out your family. What sort of vehicle are you looking at?

Anyhow, I hope that it ends out well!

RE: Family Fundraiser - Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 09-22-2015

If I get paid in time to make it I'd definitely donate a bit of it to help out. Here's to hoping my employers actually deposit it.

RE: Family Fundraiser - Terran - 09-22-2015

Actually, just to ask; is there a limit to how much we can donate? I'd be happy going over the 25 just to give some extra if I can.

RE: Family Fundraiser - McNuggie - 09-22-2015

I'll definitely donate if I get the money. I hope everything works out.