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[A3] Slayer RDM and leave - Printable Version

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[A3] Slayer RDM and leave - EmperorWhale - 09-21-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): [A3] Slayer

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:89755996

Map the event happened on: Community Bowling

Date of event: Date thread is posted

What Happened?: RDMed 3 of us, then left

Witnesses: kcat


RE: [A3] Slayer RDM and leave - Terran - 09-21-2015

He should be perma'd! I'll give him a week ban until an Admin comes online. No, I'm not closing this, since...please perma.

RE: [A3] Slayer RDM and leave - Rotshout - 09-21-2015

Terran didn't close this thread.

RE: [A3] Slayer RDM and leave - Unpoke - 09-21-2015

Goddamnit Terran, I gotta do everything...

RE: [A3] Slayer RDM and leave - McNuggie - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 10:58 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  Goddamnit Terran, I gotta do everything...

wasnt moved/closed yet cause they;re not perma'd yet you fucking scrub

ill get on in a bit and do it.

RE: [A3] Slayer RDM and leave - McNuggie - 09-22-2015
