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Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - Printable Version

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Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - ghasT_T - 09-21-2015

Note: a lot of these were suggested by other people besides me, I'm merely officially suggesting them

Universal Clock:
A clock that actually displays the time according to your time zone.
Global Announcements:
Announces in chat when the shop resets (to reduce spam of Septimus)
When someone joins the lobby
And when the main server is down/up (so when it is down, people aren't spamming !ttt to check if it's up)
Shooting Range:
Test out guns
Guns are auto-equipped when entering the Shooting Range
Guns are auto-unequipped when leaving the Shooting Range
More Furniture:
Usable benches around fountain
No explanation needed, just needs to happen
Movie Theater:
Instead of watching movies, it could be linked to the main server and you could spectate players FROM the Lobby Server

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - 2bias - 09-21-2015

Half of this stuff seems stupid and unneeded

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - Baggins - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 12:09 PM)Luke Wrote:  Universal Clock:
A clock that actually displays the time according to your time zone.

No bomb plz.

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - SP1D3RP1G - 09-21-2015

I love most of these ideas. Especially the range, mirrors, and announcements. The clock and 3rd person not so much. But still a +1

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - Dreadark - 09-21-2015

The global announcement ones would be nice. the rest are meh.

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 09-21-2015


RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - Unpoke - 09-21-2015

yes to mirrors plsz i need to check myself out when i add more accessories

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - 2bias - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 04:25 PM)Dreadark Wrote:  The global announcement ones would be nice. the rest are meh.

yeah, basically. The clocks are not needed, the shooting range is meh, everything else is just plain stupid other than the announcements.

RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - ghasT_T - 09-22-2015


RE: Lots of Lobby Suggestions!!!!! - 2bias - 09-22-2015

(09-22-2015, 12:09 PM)Luke Wrote:  bump.

Why bump this? The last post wasn't even a day ago.