Forerunner Gaming
Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Printable Version

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Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Mr.Potato - 09-20-2015

Age: 14

Steam Name (Current) : Mr.Potato

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 245 Hours 52 Minutes

Where did you hear about this server : On NTG when Brassx said he was making a new server.

Have you ever been banned and why? : No

Why do you want to join: I want to join because FRG is a more balanced and redefined server NTG ever was.

Referred by : No one

Additional details : Quack!

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Unpoke - 09-20-2015

Huge +1, I didn't even notice you weren't a Member yet, what the hell took ya so long? .-.

also never would have guessed you're only 14, you're more mature than some of the 16-19 year olds here lmao.

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - EmperorWhale - 09-20-2015

The fact that this was denied the first time made me sad. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - ZombieNinja975 - 09-20-2015

I've seen you on a lot and think you're a pretty cool guy, also never seen you cause any problems whatsoever, +1 Smile

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Terran - 09-20-2015

Yeah! Potato is cool, let him be member please. Nothing else to say about it! +1.

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Sarle_ - 09-20-2015

+1 great fun and active

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - Chosen - 09-20-2015

Accepted, +1

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - SilentSpy - 09-21-2015

Active, follows the rules, and is fun. I'd say the he'd represent the community well, +1

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - ghasT_T - 09-21-2015

Why do potatoes make good detectives?

Because they keep their eyes peeled.

Awesome guy, fun

RE: Mr.Potato - Membership Application - McNuggie - 09-21-2015

+1, I see 0 reason not to make Potato a member.