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Reputation? - Printable Version

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Reputation? - ZombieNinja975 - 09-20-2015

So I've noticed some people's got reputation and I'm curious as to what it means and how you get it? Future thanks for any explanations

RE: Reputation? - Enchantable - 09-20-2015

It's just people rating you, a -1 or a +1 in your rep. You could click the green number next to Reputation and it will load their rep, there you can select +1 or -1 and your reasoning.
It's not really that important

RE: Reputation? - Dreadark - 09-20-2015

It mean's I'm 15x better than youuuuuuu.

RE: Reputation? - ZombieNinja975 - 09-20-2015

Okay thank you, and I already know that dread xD