Forerunner Gaming
Rare Guns!!! - Printable Version

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Rare Guns!!! - COBALTGE0 - 09-20-2015

So i have a idea see there should be some guns that arent dropped as often therefore the term Rare Guns they can have any tier they act as the gun it is there just rarer then the normal guns we should have Duel Barreta's Mp7 SSG08 Also a Awp which should be a super super super super rare gun maybe just as rare as the godlikes and a P90

RE: Rare Guns!!! - Unpoke - 09-24-2015

Great suggestions!
You're really proving yourself as a valued member to this community. Big Grin

obvious sarcasm, can someone please delete this thread

RE: Rare Guns!!! - Terran - 09-24-2015

Please, no.

RE: Rare Guns!!! - Dreadark - 09-24-2015

+1 if there can be a Probama90™

RE: Rare Guns!!! - RadioActiveCow? - 09-24-2015


RE: Rare Guns!!! - 2bias - 09-24-2015

Stop, just stop right there. This is not Next Tier Gayming, we don't need crappy OP guns. Thanks.