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Sorry - Sarle_ - 09-15-2015

Sorry for my recent inactivity ive been sick for 5 days and i havent been able to play almost anything ive been hanging out/messing with some friends on gmod wich needs to consentration and that i did only for 2 days now when i havent been that much sick ill probably get on more from now and i know the post is late but i couldnt really do it earlier unless if someone else had written it for me <3 you guys

RE: Sorry - Terran - 09-15-2015

You'll survive! As you said, just drink more alcohol. Nothing can't be powered through!

RE: Sorry - Rotshout - 09-15-2015

Don't drink alcohol to excess, or if taking other drugs.

RE: Sorry - ghasT_T - 09-15-2015

Remember us even if you get drunk.