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Less red effect from shotguns, - Printable Version

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Less red effect from shotguns, - Matt - 09-13-2015


To explain, when you're shot with a shotgun, your screen turns red. like really red. Its annoying. I feel the amount of red recieved from shotguns is ridiculous. Especially on dark maps such as canyon, you literally cannot see a thing. And it takes about 2 seconds for it to fade away and by that time you're already dead. This gives shotgun users a large advantage over everbody else. Shotguns for are scrubs anyways. On other server's I've played on it was possible to lessen the red effect, and it was a much better time for everybody.

RE: Less red effect from shotguns, - Minehuis - 09-13-2015

Huh I'm confused

RE: Less red effect from shotguns, - Unpoke - 09-13-2015

(09-13-2015, 07:41 PM)Minehuis Wrote:  Huh I'm confused

He's referring to the red vignette that forms around your screen when you take damage to act as sort of blood.

RE: Less red effect from shotguns, - Excel - 09-13-2015

no shotguns r already bad enough no nerf