Forerunner Gaming
PartyTime? - RDM and Leave - Printable Version

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PartyTime? - RDM and Leave - Enchantable - 09-12-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): PartyTime?

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:73404302

Map the event happened on: ttt_mw2_highrise

Date of event: 9/12/15 9:00 A.M central time

What Happened?: He joined the server and in the course of a few rounds he rdmed several people. I only got a screenshot of one and his leave, though, but it should be enough to ban him.

Witnesses: Mini Cosmic


RE: PartyTime? - RDM and Leave - Unpoke - 09-12-2015

Goooot it. Thanks for the report. Big Grin