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detective rocker unban request - Printable Version

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detective rocker unban request - Detective Rocker - 09-12-2015

Steam Name (Current): Detective Rocker

Steam Name (During incident): Detective ROcker

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54803710

Steam Profile Link:
Name of staff you were banned by:
Length of the ban: 3 days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I would like it to be reapple

Reason for ban: rdm and leave

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

Additional details: The reason i did this is because i forgot that i had just kille a innocent and then i left cause i got bored. I forgot to wait for a report and wait for my punishment. Sorry whatever your name is i thought you killed terran.

RE: detective rocker unban request - Terran - 09-12-2015

I did ban him, Unpoke and I decided to only make it a 3-day since it looked like just simple confusion/an accident, but he did leave immediately after. I really have no qualms with repealing the ban, I didn't really want to do it anyways. Sarle was the one RDM'd though, so he should post here.

RE: detective rocker unban request - EmperorWhale - 09-12-2015

Detective Rocker is a very nice guy. He wouldn't voluntarily do this so please repeal it. I was on when it happened and he didn't even know it happened when I messaged him on steam so I don't think there were any bad intentions

RE: detective rocker unban request - Unpoke - 09-12-2015

Yeah, I thought for sure it was accidental, which is why I asked Terran to reduce it.
+1 for unban, just don't do it again.

RE: detective rocker unban request - Dreadark - 09-12-2015

Detective seemed like a rule-follower when I played. Was probably just a misunderstanding.

I don't know why you want your ban to be "reapple" but I'd say repeal it after Sarle posts.

RE: detective rocker unban request - Sarle_ - 09-12-2015

yea, go ahead and unban, people should learn to read chat when i shout in there im proven dont kill me and/or let the body be IDed if they dont run away, so too many hesitate and shoot before proof

(edit: i was just about to press send on the report when he left)

RE: detective rocker unban request - McNuggie - 09-12-2015

unbanned as to sarle's request.

please be more careful next time though, wait for the round to end if you're not sure.