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Hide and Seek Minigame? - Printable Version

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Hide and Seek Minigame? - ghasT_T - 09-11-2015

1 Traitor is selected randomly with Radar Auto-Equipped, and everyone else must hide. All Innos are perma-holstered, but get a 10% speed buff. The Traitor wins by shooting and killing all innos, and the Innos win by running out the clock. It could use the time survived function to give out prizes, like in OBC Rounds. The twist is that since the Traitor automatically has the Radar, innos can't stay in the same place for more than 30 Seconds, or else the Radar updates, showing their location

RE: Hide and Seek Minigame? - Terran - 09-11-2015

There's nowhere to hide on maps! Bleh! Never!

RE: Hide and Seek Minigame? - 2bias - 09-11-2015

This could be cool on the lobby serve, maybe.