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I come to terms with my problem - Printable Version

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I come to terms with my problem - ZombieNinja975 - 09-11-2015

Okay so they say the first step in addiction is admitting you have a problem, so i admit that Hi im dylan and im addicted to TTT on forerunner gaming. (HI DYLAN) Every school night i stay up till 12 am at the least playing on the server, even though the next day at school i struggle to stay awake in every class (although this is normal when boring as fuck english teacher be talking bout shit that dont apply to english like "youve never had a teacher like me before because im not gonna say it but from just 3 days you can tell im bat shit crazy") but back to the subject. Ill be so tired and almost passing out and ill begin to daydream/hallucinate about TTT with yalls. I shit you not people have woken me up saying what the shitty titties does kos dinklefucker mean and i dont even have an answer to it. Last night i had a dream about it after i passed out at like 3:30 and i had a fucking musket and rocks instead of my normal guns (what the flying fuck right) well i was just wandering around and a dude pulls an AWP out for like half a second and i oneshot him with my musket. Then i believe it was McNuggie in my dream who told me you cant kill for them having a T weapon and i was kinda like the fuck, i said that i think you can and then i was banned for 4220 minutes with "No reason specified." Going on with my thingy sometimes in school when im loopy tired i get to thinking someones gonna RDM me, yea i start thinking in real life someones gonna fucking RDM me in school and i wont be able to report it. Bottom line here is that everyone who read through this whole thing me love you long time no 5 dolla needed, and i thinks i need to play more TTT. If anyone is interested in how i went from a CIA master ninja bitch to a zombieninja maybe ill need to share the backstory sometime, but i think people got better stuff to do then type out all this, i know i dont because this is what i want to do, MY PEOPLE NEED ME

RE: I come to terms with my problem - 2bias - 09-11-2015


RE: I come to terms with my problem - ghasT_T - 09-11-2015

wat did I just read?

RE: I come to terms with my problem - ZombieNinja975 - 09-11-2015

If you can decipher it let me know luke

RE: I come to terms with my problem - Zephyr - 09-11-2015

honestly if you are that addicted to fucking TTT you have a big fucking problem

solution is to kos yourself

RE: I come to terms with my problem - EmperorWhale - 09-11-2015

Reading this, I think you need to stay in English zombie Tongue

RE: I come to terms with my problem - ZombieNinja975 - 09-12-2015

Yes, going all whooblyfuck in my communications isn't benifition to anyone

RE: I come to terms with my problem - Dreadark - 09-12-2015

Hey don't use Flying's name in vain.

RE: I come to terms with my problem - Enchantable - 09-12-2015

damn son