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Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Printable Version

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Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Terran - 09-10-2015

Case/Crate/Etc System
(Brass, can you give us the drop chance of Crescent Cases/Item Crates and some info on their insides? It'd help a lot, thanks.)

Also, I don't know how to classify "Drops" from a crate, so these are very likely to change, since I'm not great at that.

Name: (What the crate/etc is called)
Rarity: (The drop value of the case, etc. Since we don't know the exacts, maybe just Uncommon/Unlikely/etc. Item Crates are Common, Crescent Cases are Uncommon. Rarity goes Ordinary, Common, Uncommon, Unlikely, Rare, Legendary, Godlike, Exotic)
Price: (Coins/Rubies)
Special Properties: (Extra chance for suffixes, high chance for traits, etc?)
Drops: (As elaborate or basic as you want. Any kind of rares? Specific gun tiers?)
Color: (In the format of, e.g, 255/255/255)
Credit To/Description: (Your name, a quote, etc?)
Additional Details: Extra notes and stuff.

Name: Mystical Box
Rarity: Uncommon
Price: 1150 Coins/950 Rubies
Special Properties: Guns have a very rare chance to have the "Magical" trait.
Drops: Uncommons (20%), Unlikelys (60%), and Rares. (20%)
Color: 215/74/243
Credit To/Description: This mysterious object seems to throb with power.
Additional Details: Guns can have the "Magical" trait. This trait has a 1 in 4-12 chance (Depending on gun type) to cause the target to glow blue for 25-40 seconds. You can see this glow through the wall if your gun triggered the suffix. They also move 20% slower for the duration.

Name: Surplus Package
Rarity: Ordinary
Price: 100 Coins/70 Rubies
Special Properties: Guns have a low extra chance for a suffix.
Drops: Ordinary (50%), Uncommon (40%), Unlikely (10%)
Color: 243/243/74
Credit To/Description: The Army supplies these packages to troops, generally containing cheap weapons.
Additional Details: None

Name: Cosmetic Crate
Rarity: Common
Price: 200 Coins/140 Rubies
Special Properties: You will only find COSMETICS in this crate.
Drops: All Cosmetics. Rares are 15%, Legendaries are 5%.
Color: 243/73/186
Credit To/Description: A Fabulous crate for fabulous people! You can find cosmetic items in this.
Additional Details: None

Name: Air Drop Supply
Rarity: Uncommon
Price: N/A
Special Properties: It can only drop end-round. Drop chance is about 1/30,000
Drops: Unlikely (20%), Rare (50%), Legendary (29%), Godlike (1%)
Color: 243/36/28
Credit To/Description: You're lucky it didn't hit you while falling down! You can find some cool stuff in this!
Additional Details: None

Name: Supreme Gift Package
Rarity: Rare
Price: N/A
Special Properties: Similar to a normal gift package, but instead of being 9 random options to choose from, you have 9 random options that show you what they are, and you can choose what you want from them. E.G: Its basically 9 crates in 1, but you only get to pick one item.
Drops: Anything!
Color: 119/116/116
Credit To/Description: A very expensive Gift Package.
Additional Details: Can only drop from Orbital rounds. 1 in 10 chance for the top 3 to randomly get one.

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - RadioActiveCow? - 09-10-2015

Cool suggestions like the cosmetic crate, but maybe we should wait on the big update before anything rash? Smile

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Sarle_ - 09-10-2015

i think it seems like a good idea and terran adverted ths to me so it must be important for him

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - ghasT_T - 09-10-2015

If we have a cosmetic case, we need flamethrowers and random critz aswell

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - EmperorWhale - 09-10-2015

I like the airdrop. I dont like the cosmetics. They need to be kept somewhat rare, even if people don't place much value on them. They cost a decent amount in the coinshop too

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Unpoke - 09-10-2015

If you get a supreme gift package, who would choose an exp boost/item crate over extra item slots or a crescent lol

seems op pointlessness

unless u change that to what u get every 10-20 levels or so

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Terran - 09-10-2015

Well, the chances are still the same, Unpoke. How many gift packages have you opened, and ratio of INV slots to EXP bonus or coins/crates? It could have 5 EXP slots, a crescent, an item, and two coins. I dunno. It was just flung out there.

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Unpoke - 09-10-2015

(09-10-2015, 07:44 PM)Terran Wrote:  Well, the chances are still the same, Unpoke. How many gift packages have you opened, and ratio of INV slots to EXP bonus or coins/crates? It could have 5 EXP slots, a crescent, an item, and two coins. I dunno. It was just flung out there.

I guess it could work out Tongue I'd just hope it was a little more uncommon I guess
we'll c bb, great suggestions to the rest.

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - Aresuft - 09-10-2015

No. The only thing that will change crate to crate is the uniques or godlikes.

RE: Item Crate Suggestions - Design your own! - wookiepie - 09-10-2015

Name: Jew Crate
Rarity: Common
Price: Unbuyable
Special Properties: Money only
Drops: Coins
Color: 28/255/218
Credit To/Description: wookie
Additional Details: Can only drop money