Forerunner Gaming
RDM and leave - Printable Version

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RDM and leave - ZombieNinja975 - 09-07-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s)Big Grinrink_my_cum

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:143959218

Map the event happened on: community bowling

Date of event:09-07-15

What Happened?:rdm and leave

Witnesses:all in lobby shown in evidence


RE: RDM and leave - EmperorWhale - 09-07-2015

Evidence of the actual RDM would be helpful

RE: RDM and leave - Terran - 09-07-2015

Did you screenshot him actually leaving the server? That'd help a lot. Also, sometimes its good to grab the shot logs in-case its mid-round like that. Sometimes confusion just happens.

RE: RDM and leave - Unpoke - 09-07-2015

I dunno what Terran's talking about, but I took care of it. Thanks for the report.