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Member+ Application - Printable Version

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Member+ Application - ZombieNinja975 - 09-07-2015

Steam Name(Current): ZombieNinja975

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Never been banned

Why would you like to be promoted?: Ive loved this server ever since i first joined, ive made a ton of friends playing and am making more as the time played goes up Smile. A lot of times ill stay up till the early AMs playing and sometimes people go a little wild when theres no one to dish out the justice, not to mention new players who join and just dont want to listen to the rules. I also would like to get more involved with the community, and any help i could supply i will without hesitation.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I believe i can provide a lot of help as a member+ in keeping peace within the server and handling troublesome players

Do you have any administrative experience: None, but i would like to gain some Smile

Additional Details: I know i havent been member long but i figured id try, if it doesnt work out theres always next time, and i plan on playing here with you guys for a very long time Smile

RE: Member+ Application - Jake1o - 09-08-2015
