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Should i apply for member+? - Printable Version

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Should i apply for member+? - ZombieNinja975 - 09-07-2015

Hello everybody, ive been pondering on this for a while since theres often times people need slayed but no one on to apply justice (partly because im often on at like 4 in the morning.) I play almost everyday whenever i can and think id be a good + person, but dont want to apply without advice first. Anyone and everyones opinion is appriciated Smile thanks everybody for your time.

RE: Should i apply for member+? - Terran - 09-07-2015

You play a lot, but since you got Member just recently it'd probably be best to wait a bit. Still, you're free to do so whenever you wish, so go ahead if you feel that you're ready.

RE: Should i apply for member+? - McNuggie - 09-07-2015

Yeah man, go ahead and apply if you think you're ready, I know you would make a good one if you'd let yourself out there a bit more, but hey! go for it if you'd like Big Grin there is no time limit for posting apps

RE: Should i apply for member+? - ZombieNinja975 - 09-07-2015

Thanks for the input guys, i think ill try and see what happens, if it doesnt go well ill wait a while and see about trying again

RE: Should i apply for member+? - Enchantable - 09-07-2015

I would +1 it you're pretty friendly and you would definitely not abuse your powers