Forerunner Gaming
waldo mass rdm - Printable Version

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waldo mass rdm - Excel - 09-06-2015

team Name of Offending Player(s):Waldo

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60528356
Map the event happened on:
Date of event:
9-5-15 5:15 pm pst
What Happened?:
he mass rdmed


RE: waldo mass rdm - Unpoke - 09-06-2015

Keeping this up, he needs a perma. +1.

Edit: What happened was he was he said the word twice of racism, was mic-spam trolling, trolling around ingame, ended with mass-RDM and leave.

RE: waldo mass rdm - Rotshout - 09-06-2015

Highlighting just makes it harder to read the logs. Besides, the red exclaimation points already mark what's important.

RE: waldo mass rdm - Unpoke - 09-06-2015

Fuzzy got it Tongue