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A Quick Sell Market - Printable Version

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A Quick Sell Market - Ritt - 09-05-2015

i don't know if you know this. but i know in fifa (the game) you can sell and trade players. but you can also quick sell players. this means you sell them instantly. but you get way less then the value of them.... i was thinking we had something like this. it would cut down the spam on useless gun on the normal market. and be a way of getting quick coins if they are need. i was thinking. i forget how it was but they said the auction for lost guns. this could use a auction like thing at the end of each month for the guns that were quick sold..... i dont know if you have ideas you think you have a better way of doing it id love to hear it. thanks for listening to my idea.

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Unpoke - 09-05-2015

I don't know, the market for guns fluctuates so often... How would you determine what the appropriate "Sell Now" price would be?

The only way I can think this'd work is by setting the "Sell Now" option the the marketplace's average price (guns that haven't been sold can't be quick-sold though).
But then arises the issue that people would use the argument of "o im not selling this for 100 when the qwik sel is 120", or whatever the example may be, which would leave every gun constantly only raising in price rather than decreasing.

I can't think of a good way to balance any of it to work well.

Perfect example would be with the Swift Deagle.

It was originally selling for like 800 because it was the most amazing thing ever everyone needed one.
Next week, Swift Deagle of Agony came out, instantaneously causing Excel to sell his Swift Deagle(s) for 400, dropping the market for that and allowing the Swift Deagle of Agony to take its place.
If there was a "sell now" for 800, the Swift Deagle would have been stuck there, and the Swift Deagle of Agony would be like 1.8k.

Basically, everything would increase in price to the point thousands were worth nothing.

inflation life

RE: A Quick Sell Market - RadioActiveCow? - 09-05-2015

It could just take the estimated value and reduce it by like 30% and then you get that many coins out of the stored pool? (The coins you get at the end of the month if you win the prize pot) But idk.

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Terran - 09-05-2015

No, definitely not. No coins should be added to the market WITHOUT being obtained by a player. This would pump artificial coins into the economy, lowering prices and trashing everything. Sorry, but it should be strictly player-to-player trading. Huge -1.

RE: A Quick Sell Market - 2bias - 09-05-2015

already suggested like 5 times...

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Dreadark - 09-05-2015

1 coin per standard pls.

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Minehuis - 09-05-2015

I already made a thing about this

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Enchantable - 09-06-2015

ooh i know
make an alt
give it all your coisn
buy your own shit with your own coins

RE: A Quick Sell Market - 2bias - 09-06-2015

(09-06-2015, 01:42 PM)Enchantable Wrote:  ooh i know
make an alt
give it all your coisn
buy your own shit with your own coins

literally what. that makes no sense.

RE: A Quick Sell Market - Kuro - 09-07-2015

You can't exactly sell the lowest tier gun for less than one coin, meaning the whole auction thing at the end is just delaying the inevitable end to the guns. Being dumped on the market.

I think the most brilliant thing that solves this is a crafting system and scrapping guns for scrap metals.

Sure the metals were worthless for the most part, but that could be different in this server

Just a thought, and I'm sure not everyone agrees with this.