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Member application (Footballslaya) - Printable Version

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Member application (Footballslaya) - Undope420 - 09-04-2015

Steam name: Undope420
Time Played: 270 hours
Where did I hear about the server: I randomly joined just after my purchase and download of Gmod
Have I ever been banned: Yes, vote banned for 1 minute and it was aboose at approximitley 4AM
Why do I want to join: This is the most boss TTT server in existence!
Referred by: Leo, NotChosen , and others which are apparently to busy for my butt
Other details: I like trains and am in the Un-cult
Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - Rotshout - 09-04-2015

This kid mic spams, rdms, and is generally annoying. -1

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - EmperorWhale - 09-04-2015

In the right environment, Undope is a pretty cool dude but sometimes I feel he gets sucked into some situations where it makes him look a little childish. I like Undope but as I said, the right Undope isn't always there. +0

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - Undope420 - 09-04-2015

Thank you guys for your honest opinion

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - Terran - 09-04-2015

He is pretty cool and I don't have problems with him, but a lot of people tend to complain so its more or less how Emperor Whale said. I think if you give it some more time and grow on the community, it'll grow on you. Just keep at it, but for now I can't say its the right time, sorry.

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - RadioActiveCow? - 09-04-2015

How do you have over 200 hours? Sorry but it seems you play too immaturely to represent this many hours, I think you should bide your time and maybe get more active on these forums and get more jcluded with other members here.

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - Dreadark - 09-04-2015

I don't have anything wrong with you. You're nice and all, but you can come off annoying at times. Give it a bit more time and we'll see.

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - SP1D3RP1G - 09-04-2015

Kinda loud and annoying, accidental rdms by him occur somewhat frequently. +0  Undecided

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - AnthemPartThree - 09-09-2015

kinda loud, kinda annoying, like spider says. but handles things well. i would say +1, but i dont know yet about anything past member

RE: Member application (Footballslaya) - McNuggie - 09-10-2015

I don't see you as a member yet sorry man, I've had issues with you one including the time you were coinshop banned for 3 days.

I feel you need to work on your maturity a bit