Forerunner Gaming
hey - Printable Version

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hey - Matt - 09-03-2015

im matt. i followed lazy to the server and I love slayer-san.

RE: hey - McNuggie - 09-03-2015

Welcome to FRG.

RE: hey - Terran - 09-03-2015

Hay is for horses! Welcome, yeah, enjoy your stay!

RE: hey - Unpoke - 09-03-2015

hello, welcome, my names unpoke and im in crippling debt

RE: hey - wookiepie - 09-03-2015

who are you i totally haven't played with you on the server today

RE: hey - Zephyr - 09-03-2015


RE: hey - Twizzler - 09-09-2015

ayy lmao