Forerunner Gaming
ban undope - Printable Version

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ban undope - Chief Beef - 09-03-2015

undope rdmed me when i was doing nothing, moat saw it, ask moat and he will tell you he did rdm me, undope needs to be banned for breaking the rules or atleast be slayed

RE: ban undope - 2bias - 09-03-2015

use the format.

RE: ban undope - Undope420 - 09-03-2015

I would just like to say I apoligize for this misunderstanding but in the following round (Orbital) you tried to kill me so attempted revenge RDM. To add onto that you were shooting your mac10 at an explosive barrel you set it a flame, but a traitor was the one who killed somebody with that barrel shooting it until it exploded.... I assumed you were the cause of its explosion and shot you and I would like to ask if you have a picture of any fire logs because that would prove my point exactly.(Its 1 slay, I really don't think this is forums material)

This would be you T-baiting and I killed you..... at the very maximum

RE: ban undope - ::Harmfull:: - 09-03-2015

I dont think this situation calls for a ban unless he mass rdmed, rdmed and left, or revenge rdmed. I suggest using admin chat to fix problems like these. Type in game IE: @Hey I need someone to deal with ''said person''.

RE: ban undope - Anthony - 09-03-2015

imo taking this way out of proportion. Really isn't that big of a deal.

RE: ban undope - Chosen - 09-03-2015

Crimson, you know we have a complaints section in the forums right? And I'd like to point out that if he killed you once for t-baiting that isn't a ban worthy offense. I'd also like to point out you couldn't even bring yourself to post: Evidence, Correct format, or even a legit complaint. I'll just report the thread and move on cause this isn't even worth the post count.

RE: ban undope - McNuggie - 09-03-2015

If you want this taken seriously, make another complaint with format and Proof.
