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lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Printable Version

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lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Excel - 09-02-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86151492

Map the event happened on:Hendrix

Date of event:9-2-15

What Happened?:
Dead weight killed him on the previous round then lvl 1000 rdmed him the next round(Revenge RDM) also he rdmed another guy the same round then left, also was constantly disrespecting the whole time he was on the server, according to emperor whale he constantly disrespects all the time, I've seen it too and i've seen him taunting mary before
Witnesses:emperorwhale dead weight

disrespect+admit to Revenge RDM+RDM and leave
Revenge RDM

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - EmperorWhale - 09-02-2015

Can confirm. He is kind of a big jerk and I believe he has been banned before for something similar.

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Dreadark - 09-02-2015

I support this. He is honestly extremely immature and rude.

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 09-02-2015

well in dat case bye!

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Terran - 09-02-2015

Looks like someone's last legs have given out. Damn.

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - Sarle_ - 09-02-2015

i have a post about the same guy but a different time, it was the next day after his week ban ended just posted it now since a devil made me promise to give him a chance

RE: lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz (Revenge RDM, RDM and Leave, Constant Disrespect) - McNuggie - 09-03-2015

He has earned himself a perma. Will do when I am able in a few hours.