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RadioActiveCow's +Member Application - Printable Version

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RadioActiveCow's +Member Application - RadioActiveCow? - 08-30-2015

Steam Name(Current): RadioActiveCow

Age: 18

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: I believe I was banned for a minute but I can't recall why, or maybe I'm imagining things but I'm sure staff can check the ban list for a reason.

Why would you like to be promoted?: It's been too many times to count where I've required slays to be passed or staff to come on for RDMers but there is more to it than that. Being a +Member seems like the next step, and I wish to be more involved in this community than I already am. +Member being the only 'semi-administrative' rank that I'd ever apply for, out of respect for the community and its members I will never apply for staff unless offered.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I feel that I am active enough and knowledgeable enough to help further on the server, and I hope others feel the same.

Do you have any administrative experience: A lot of my administrative skills come down from serious roleplay, which in turn is more difficult and more stressful (In my opinion) Communities involve:

SLAGaming (TTT and HL2RP and Novus 2 and Kronos RP as GameMaster)
Precinct 13 (HL2RP Operator)
Voxel Loop Community (Minecraft Survival and Factions super Administrator)
ApexGaming (HL2RP Operator)

Additional Details: Maybe in September I'll be starting University, which is quite a big move, so I might be inactive then, if not maybe in February or March. (But I'm taking my PC with me, so)

RE: RadioActiveCow's +Member Application - Jake1o - 09-22-2015
