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#buff Totally Terrans - Printable Version

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#buff Totally Terrans - Terran - 08-29-2015

totaliterian guns suck, yet they're a founding part of this server, where's their buff? they need a special, cool unique property that makes them amazing but not overpowered!

introducing: the TRAIT/SUFFIX GUN!

we know that, like terran, TOTALLY TERRANS have stats just as bad as a standards, right? so, instead they should have the yagginese tiers extra trait chance and bananas! extra suffix chance! give all totaliterrans cool traits and suffixes or riot!

who's with me?!

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Dreadark - 08-29-2015

make them an EXTREMELY rare common.

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Unpoke - 08-29-2015

i literally use these for crystals
they desperately need a buff

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Clombs123 - 08-29-2015

(08-29-2015, 01:08 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  make them an EXTREMELY rare common.

yeah what he said. terran is totally not threatening me to post this. terran is right. do what he says. the only reason the server is alive is because terran drags through the fermented feces and makes it all happen. he is our glorious leader and god. all praise to him. his wisdom and undying pessimism is the salvation to all.

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Wolfy9800 - 08-29-2015


RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Dreadark - 08-29-2015

Ummm also can you make the poll private for reasons.

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Rotshout - 08-29-2015


RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Skully_Fluff - 08-29-2015

Please do.

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - 2bias - 08-29-2015

You should nerf them. When I used em, they were more op than the railgun.

RE: #buff Totally Terrans - Enchantable - 08-29-2015

nerf the default crowbar
shit's insane!
btw yeah these totally terran guns are shit
lets make them totally good