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ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - Printable Version

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ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - SilentSpy - 08-27-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): ST7 | Rashalkin

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53613978)

Map the event happened on: cs_compound

Date of event: 8/27/15

What Happened?: Rash just mass RDMed and said "nigga got fucked up" in report(s)

Witnesses: Excel, Dreadark, NotChosen, anangrybeaver, and SP1D3RP1G

Evidence: Dread is uploading the pictures I'll link them in a sec

Edit: Dread is just going to post the link in the comment section

RE: ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - wookiepie - 08-27-2015

I was there, +1

Didn't count me as a witness Sad

RE: ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - Dreadark - 08-27-2015

Him coming out and attempting to mass rdm.

Him in chat leaving during rightful voteban from Excel.

Also to reports he said "ngiga got fucked up"
But I didnt take screenie of the report because i closed it too quickly.

RE: ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - SilentSpy - 08-27-2015

Sorry Wookie, didn't want to name everybody because lazy

RE: ST7 | Rashalkin RDM + Leave/Trolling - McNuggie - 08-27-2015
