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Cadenseth Revenge Rdm - Printable Version

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Cadenseth Revenge Rdm - Minehuis - 08-18-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Cadenseth

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:66054668

Map the event happened on:Mcdonalds

Date of event:August 18

What Happened?:So I was walking around and I saw caden place a c4 so I go up to him and Kill him. After the round he was all pissed off that I killed him. So next round I was Sitting there and he comes up to me and Deagles me one shot and says thats for killing me.

Witnesses:Jerome Notchosen


RE: Cadenseth Revenge Rdm - NeoLeo - 08-18-2015

yes rdm. but we there isnt enough proof to show that he said "thats for killing me"
Not enough proof for Revenge RDM at least

RE: Cadenseth Revenge Rdm - Unpoke - 08-18-2015

There were mods on at the time, why did you not report it right then?

Anyway, taken care of.