Forerunner Gaming
Pete RDM and Leave - Printable Version

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Pete RDM and Leave - NeoLeo - 08-16-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):petecody19

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:122123412

Map the event happened on: EDIT: WestWood

Date of event:08-15-15

What Happened?: He came on and just rdmed a T and inno for no reason


Evidence: RDM:

The Leave:

RE: Pete RDM and Leave - EmperorWhale - 08-16-2015

Can confirm. Called me mean names in my report :'(

RE: Pete RDM and Leave - Dreadark - 08-16-2015

Seems like we had a lot of problem causers. on today for some reason.

or for some reason i just noticed more than usual.

Anyways +1.

RE: Pete RDM and Leave - BlueInTheBalls - 08-16-2015

Yes, I witnessed this.

RE: Pete RDM and Leave - McNuggie - 08-19-2015
