Forerunner Gaming
denneh ruining my life complaint - Printable Version

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denneh ruining my life complaint - Dreadark - 08-11-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Denneh

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:105029911

Map the event happened on: probably dolls

Date of event: i felt the hurt on august 10th

What Happened?: denneh took over my TS channel and turned it into garbage.

Witnesses: Terran. Mcnuggie.

Evidence: Image

Sad I think he needs to be demoted.

see i have to live in h1z1 now.

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - McNuggie - 08-11-2015


RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Mr. Cyan Spy - 08-11-2015

+1 was there

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Terran - 08-11-2015

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Dreadark - 08-11-2015

also jake is now dead to me for moving this to shitposting.

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Dreadark - 08-12-2015

bump. ps this shouldnt be in shitposting.

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Denneh - 08-12-2015

photoshopped -1

RE: denneh ruining my life complaint - Dreadark - 08-12-2015

Complication -somewhat- fixed. I can now create my own temporary channels.

Denneh still needs to be demoted.